你要的东西,太长了,怕短消息不成,直接贴这里了,慢慢研究&good luck:)
Welcome to Blackcats-Games!
Our goal is to provide you with the latest games as well as the largest catalog of not so current releases. Gaming is our business.
This is a private tracker, and you have to register before you can get full access to the site. Before you do anything here at Blackcats we suggest strongly that you read the Rules and this entire FAQ! There are only a few rules to abide by, but we do enforce them!
Before you go any further you should read the Blackcats User Agreement.
Now, let the games begin!
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Index - Choose what you want to learn - Top
* General Information.
o What is BitTorrent?
o Can I use any BitTorrent client?
o Where does the donated money go to?
o I want to know more about torrents, what should I do?
* How the Site Works.
o Registrations.
o Can I use any e-mail to register my account?
o I forgot my password and user name. What should I do?
o I want to change my user name. Who should I talk to?
o I want to delete my account. How can I do that?
o What are the User Classes?
o How can I get promoted to higher classes?
o What are those Hit and Run points?
o I was demoted to Kitty Litter, why?
o I got a warning for my low ratio, why?
o Can I invite somebody?
o Can I trade or share my account?
o What is considered trading and sharing an account?
o How often are accounts deleted?
o How do I request a torrent?
* Understanding Your Account.
o How can I see my status?
o How can I see the details of my account?
o Where are the torrents I am seeding and leeching?
o I can see the details of my torrents, what do they mean?
o Why are my status on site different than the status on my client?
o I stopped a torrent but it is still active in my torrent history, why?
o How do I add/change my avatar?
o How do I add/change my forum signature?
o What is that little badge next to my user name?
o What is that star next to my user name?
o Why have I been demoted to Kitty Litter if my ratio is good?
* Downloading.
o How can I download a torrent?
o The site is not recording what I am downloading. Why?
o My client says I am banned! Why?
o I have no download slots. Why does it say "torrent limit 0"?
o Why is not a torrent showing up as active anymore?
o How do I resume a broken download?
o My download speed is too slow, why?
o Why most of the time do my torrents get slower to download when they are almost finished?
o Why am I getting errors in my client?
o How do I get more download slots?
o Why does the site/client say I downloaded more than the torrent original size?
o How do I bookmark a torrent to download it later?
o What do I do with the torrents I downloaded from here?
* Seeding.
o I have just finished my download, what should I do now?
o My upload speed is too slow, why?
o I already have the files, how can I seed them?
o Can I repack a game I burned into the original rar files?
o Oh, no, I lost the files I was seeding, what can I do now?
o What do "Conn." and "Unconn." mean?
o I received a message asking for reseed, what should I do?
o Why is the torrent I am seeding a Hit and Run?
o When can I safely stop seeding my torrents?
o What does "Inf." mean?
o What does "---" mean?
* Uploading.
o I want to upload new torrents to the tracker. How can I do that?
o What are the requirements to be an Uploader?
o Can I upload your torrents to other trackers?
o Can I upload torrents from other trackers here?
o Why should I apply for Uploader?
o How do I make a torrent?
* Connection Information.
o Why can't I login the site?
o Why can't I login the forums?
o What is "Error 1" when I login?
o What is "Error 2" when I login?
o How do I access IRC?
o Can I work on torrents from more than one location?
o I am about to change my ISP, do I need to do anything?
o Is it a good idea to cap my upload speed for a torrent?
o I have a dynamic IP, is that a problem?
o I have finished or stopped a torrent. Why is it still listed in my profile?
* I Can't Find the Answer I Wanted, What Should I Do?
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General Information - Getting started with torrenting and the site - Top
* What is BitTorrent?
BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P) communications protocol. BitTorrent is a method of distributing large amounts of data widely without the original distributor incurring the entire costs of hardware, hosting, and bandwidth resources.
Instead, when data is distributed using the BitTorrent protocol, each recipient supplies pieces of the data to newer recipients, reducing the cost and burden on any given individual source, providing redundancy against system problems, and reducing dependence on the original distributor (taken from Wikipedia).
* Can I use any BitTorrent client?
We have limited what clients may be used with our tracker for many safety reasons. Before upgrading your client you should check the Allowed Client List. The list of allowed clients can be found here (you must be a member to view it).
* Where does the donated money go to?
All donated money is put towards the server costs of hosting
www.blackcats-games.net. To donate and help us bear the server charges please use the Paypal donate button on the left. In addition to knowing they have helped keep Blackcats alive and running, members who donate enough to become Donor gain special Seed Points bonuses as detailed in the Seed Points FAQ (you must be a member to view it).
* I want to know more about torrents, what should I do?
There are still a couple sites you can access to know more about BitTorrent. Wikipedia will give you a general understanding, Brian's BitTorrent FAQ and Guide has detailed information about torrenting, Anatomy of a Torrent Session will give you more information regarding how a torrent session works and both TorrentStrike and TBDev will give you more information on the source code. And, obviously, let's not forget the good old Google!
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How the Site Works - Information about our main systems and classes - Top
* Registrations.
Registration is closed. We don't have invites.
* Can I use any e-mail to register my account?
We don't allow free mail accounts (e.g. Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, etc). Use your ISP e-mail instead and you won't have any problems.
* I forgot my password and user name. What should I do?
You will need to use the Password Recovery feature. Please use this link, input your e-mail and wait for your login information to be sent back to you.
* I want to change my user name. Who should I talk to?
Nobody. We don't rename accounts unless your user name is either composed only by numbers or something indecent (check in our Rules). Don't ask for account name changes outside of the two reasons specified here.
* I want to delete my account. How can I do that?
You just can't. If you don't want to use your account anymore, then don't use it at all and it will be deleted for inactivity.
Also remember that since we are a closed private tracker, you won't be able to create another account.
* What are the User Classes?
Our members are divided into classes to reward those who dedicate time and resources to our community. The privileges are cumulative, which means that a certain class have also the privileges of lower classes.
Kitty Litter Lowest class for members who fail to meet their seeding obligations.
User The default class of new members.
Power User Can make requests.
Super Power User Elite members who can upload games to fill requests. Can also see the Peer List of their own torrents.
Donor Members who have generously contributed monetary gifts to maintain the site's longevity. Donors gain Seed Points advantages over most other class levels.
VIP Title given by Staff to members who have contributed a lot to both site and community.
Uploader Highest non-Staff class, dedicated to bringing consistant, quality torrents to the site. Has unlimited upload rights, and is immune to automatic demotion. Can also see the Peer List of any torrent.
Forum Moderator Can edit and delete topics and posts in forum sections which they are responsible for.
Moderator Can edit and delete any uploaded torrents. Can also moderate user comments and disable accounts.
Administrator Can do just about anything.
SysOp Overviews general site running and assists with higher moderation duties.
Owner Site owner.
* How can I get promoted to higher classes?
Here you can find what to do if you want to go up in the Blackcats-Games food chain.
Kitty Litter This is a demoted class for members who have downloaded more than 7GB, and have a global ratio of 0.4 or less, or have accumulated enough Hit and Run points. Members of this class are unable to download new torrents, but they may at any time re-download any torrents that they have already downloaded before in order to seed them back. To return to User status they must raise their global ratio over 0.4, and remove Hit and Runs.
User This is the standard class. You will be a User the moment you join Blackcats but you can be demoted to Kitty Litter if you don't seed back your torrents or promoted to Power User (maybe even above) if you exceed your User class expectations.
Power User Must earn a global ratio at or above 1.5, have uploaded more than 25GB, have been registered for at least 4 weeks and have 20 Hit and Run points or less. Promotion is automatic. Don't ask Staff to do it. If a Power User's ratio ever drops below 1.3 or they accumulate more than 20 Hit and Run points, they will automatically be demoted back to User status, and they must raise their ratio back or remove their Hit and Runs by seeding in order to be promoted again.
Super Power User Must achieve a global ratio at or above 2.05, have uploaded more than 100GB, be registered for at least 12 weeks, have at least 15 completed torrents in their history, and have 5 Hit and Run points or less. Promotion is automatic. Don't ask Staff to do it. When a Super Power User, if their ratio ever drops below 1.95 or they accumulate more than 5 Hit and Run points, they will automatically be demoted back to Power User status, and they must raise their ratio back or remove their Hit and Runs by seeding in order to be promoted again.
Donor Making donations to the site keeps the servers payed for, so Blackcats may continue to bring you high quality releases. In addition to knowing you've greatly helped the site and its members, donors receive a gold star next to their name. Length of donor status is dependent on amount donated.
VIP This status is given with Staff discretion to people who contribute to the site and we want to recognize for their support.
Uploader Appointed by Staff by an application process. Refer to the 'Uploading' section for conditions and requirements.
Forum Moderator Outstanding members in forums appointed by Staff. Forum Moderators applications may be required by Staff, depending on the circumstances. Don't ask to become a Staff member.
Moderator First position in Blackcats Staff family. These are extraordinary members chosen by exsisting Staff for higher site duties. Don't ask to become a Staff member.
Owner There can be only one.
* What are those Hit and Run points?
Every single Hit and Run you have (check in our Rules) gives you Hit and Run points. Adding up these points is one of the determining factors in deciding what user class you belong to.
Don't ask how the Hit and Run points are calculated, because the goal is having no Hit and Runs at all, and only Staff must know this information.
* I was demoted to Kitty Litter, why?
If your global ratio is above 0.4, then it is because you have too many Hit and Run points. Our system calculates the maximum allowed number of Hit and Run points you can have depending on how many completed torrents you have in your history. The means to calculate those are only available to Staff, so don't ask for that.
To leave the Kitty Litter status, you will need to seed back your Hit and Runs (remember, the goal is having no Hit and Runs at all) and even if you don't have the files any longer, you should read this.
* I got a warning for my low ratio, why?
If you have downloaded over 4GB and your global ratio drops at any point below 0.60, you will receive a site issued Leech Warning. If your ratio is not raised to over 0.75 within 4 weeks (28 days) from the day you have been warned, your account will become automatically disabled.
* Can I invite somebody?
Currently, the invite system is offline, but Uploaders can request a manual invite to Staff through the Staff Box, as a class perk.
* Can I trade or share my account?
No, you can't. If you get caught trading or sharing, you will be banned.
* What is considered trading and sharing an account?
Trading accounts is exchanging your Blackcats account for another member's account in another tracker. Those deals are usually done in known forums and all of those are monitored by Staff.
Sharing an account is using the same login information for more than one user, like a friend or brother.
* How often are accounts deleted?
Unparked accounts are deleted automatically after 60 days of inactivity and parked accounts are deleted after 90 days of inactivity.
To avoid that, you just need to login the site and the counter will be reset.
If you want to park your account, change it in your Profile.
* How do I request a torrent?
Only Power Users and above can request new torrents, following a set of requesting rules. If you have permission to request, you can see a link in the site menu called "Requests".
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Understanding Your Account - Information about the main aspects of your account - Top
* How can I see my status?
If you look at the top left corner of this page, you will see something like this:
Right next to your user name, there is your global download amount, followed by global upload amount, global ratio, how many torrents you are seeding at the moment, how many torrents you are downloading at the moment and the number of requests available, in case you have them (see What are the User Classes? for more details).
Your global ratio is calculated dividing the global upload by global download.
* How can I see the details of my account?
To access your account details, you will need to click on your user name which is in the top left corner of this page.
* Where are the torrents I am seeding and leeching?
Those are listed in the account details page and there you can also see your full torrent history, something like this:
* I can see the details of my torrents, what do they mean?
When you click in one of the available links (Leeching, Seeding, Uploaded Torrents or Torrent History), you will see something like this:
Each column is explained below:
o Name is the torrent name. That was easy, huh?
o Active means you are either running the torrent in your client or not. It can assume the values Active or Inactive.
o Size is the original size of the torrent.
o Se. is the number of seeders on the torrent. A seeder is a member who is uploading the torrent.
o Le. is the number of leechers on the torrent. A leecher is a member who is downloading the torrent.
o Upl. is the amount of data you have uploaded so far for that torrent.
o Downl. is the amount of data you have downloaded so far for that torrent.
o Ratio is the individual ratio for that torrent. Always pay attention to this number, because it is very important.
o Comp. means the download is either complete or not. It can assume the values Yes or No. Please remember that you must always complete your torrents and not partial leech.
o mtime is the period of time since you last announced to the tracker.
o ctime is the time when you started the torrent for the first time.
o Active Time is how long you have been active on that torrent. If you stop the torrent, the active time clock stops and as soon as you start the torrent, the active time clock starts counting again from where it stopped.
o SP/Conn. is the amount of Seed Points you have collected so far and your connectability status. Please refer to the Seed Points FAQ for more detail (you must be a member to view it).
o Cost is the torrent cost in the Seed Points system. Please refer to the Seed Points FAQ for more detail (you must be a member to view it).
* Why are my status on site different than the status on my client?
The only important thing is the site status, no matter what your client says.
Sometimes your client can't communicate with the tracker and when that happens, you lose the data uploaded and downloaded from your last announce (your client announces your partial status to the tracker every 30 minutes by default). There are a few reasons for that to happen:
o You get disconnected.
o You don't stop your torrent properly (e.g. by killing the client's process).
o Something is blocking your connection to the tracker (e.g. a firewall).
o The tracker is offline.
o Your connection with the tracker timed out for some other reason.
* I stopped a torrent but it is still active in my torrent history, why?
Some clients don't report properly to the tracker when canceling or finishing a torrent.
In that case the tracker will keep waiting for some message - and thus listing the torrent as seeding or leeching - until some timeout occurs. Just ignore it, it will eventually go away, but if it takes too long to go away, manually start the torrent and then stop it again, manually.
Always make sure you exit your client properly, so that the tracker receives the last announce from your client.
* How do I add/change my avatar?
The picture you want to use as avatar should be first available on the internet. There are a couple options to upload your picture, like our BitBucket, Photobucket, Upload-It! or ImageShack.
After that, copy the picture url and you are ready to use it as avatar. You can set an avatar in both tracker and forums.
o Tracker: go to your Profile, look for a field named "Avatar URL" and add it there.
o Forums: under "My Controls", go to Edit Avatar Settings, look for a field named "Enter a URL to an online avatar image" and add it there. You can alternatively use the "Upload a new image from your computer" option, but that is only available in the forums.
* How do I add/change my forum signature?
Just like your avatar, the picture you want to use as signature should be first available on the internet. There are a couple options to upload your picture, like Photobucket, Upload-It! or ImageShack.
After that, copy the picture url and you are ready to use it as signature. Under "My Controls", go to Edit Signature, and in the text box you can type a text as your signature or use the BB Code to include a picture (e.g.

* What is that little badge next to my user name?
When you see this badge () right next to your user name, congratulations, it means you have a perfect torrent history, that is, no Hit and Runs at all. We recognise this achievement by awarding you the Badge of Honour.
* What is that star next to my user name?
When you see this star () right next to your user name, thank you for donating and helping to support our site. Take your time to read the advantages you get on the Seed Points system here (you must be a member to view it).
* Why have I been demoted to Kitty Litter if my ratio is good?
If you have a good global ratio and still can't download new torrents, you are Kitty Litter because of your Hit and Runs but it is pretty easy to seed them back.
Have a read at the Seed Points FAQ (you must be a member to view it) and you'll see how easy it is to get out of the Kitty Litter status.
If you don't have the files any longer, please go to Oh, no, I lost the files I was seeding, what can I do now? There, you will find useful tips on what to do.
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Downloading - Everything you wanted to know about leeching - Top
* How can I download a torrent?
First, you need an allowed BitTorrent client installed on your computer. Please, refer to the Allowed Client List (you must be a member to view it).
Then, you need to go to the Browse page and choose a torrent you would like to download. After that, you need to download the .torrent file from the site by clicking on the icon and save it in your computer.
Now, you can open it in your BitTorrent client, choose the folder to save the files in and start downloading what you want.
Once the download is finished, don't forget to seed back what you got!
* The site is not recording what I am downloading. Why?
When this happens, try to redownload the .torrent file from the site and start it again in your client. If it still doesn't work, please ask for help either in the forums or IRC.
* My client says I am banned! Why?
Pay attention to the error message, because it actually says your client is banned but not you. To fix this problem, see the Allowed Client List (you must be a member to view it) and install a proper one.
* I have no download slots. Why does it say "torrent limit 0"?
This happens when your downloads have been disabled by the autosystem for either a low ratio, Hit and Runs on torrents or a mixture of the two. To get your download slots back you will have to seed some of the torrents you Hit and Run on, raising your ratio and status to where it once was. If you don't understand your situation, you should ask either on the forums or IRC what you will need to do to get your download slots back.
* Why is not a torrent showing up as active anymore?
There are some reasons for when you don't find an active torrent anymore on the tracker.
o The Uploader is having some problem with his connection and the torrent went dead (which means no seeders).
o The torrent didn't comply with the site Rules.
o The torrent was deleted for being a bad release. Another torrent may be uploaded in its place.
o Dead torrents (with no seeders and leechers) get deleted from time to time by Staff.
Note: if it is not a new torrent and it has no seeders, then you can go to the torrent page and click on a link called "Request for Reseed". That will send out an automatic message to all users who have already downloaded that torrent, asking them to come back and help out by seeding it again. That link is only visible when the torrent is dead.
* How do I resume a broken download?
If your download fails and you need to redownload the .torrent file, all you have to do is remove the old torrent from your client queue, redownload the .torrent file, open it in your client, point it to the folder where you started to download the files to and wait for a hash check. After that, you should start downloading from where you stopped last time.
* My download speed is too slow, why?
There are many reasons for your download speed to be slow. Here you can find the main ones:
o Your download speed (the one limited by your ISP) might be already in its limit. To be sure of your speed limits, run a test in SpeedTest.
o You might be unconnectable. For that, read What do "Conn." and "Unconn." mean? (you must be a member to view it).
o There might be not enough seeders, so be patient. If the torrent becomes dead, check this: Why is not a torrent showing up as active anymore?.
o The few seeders are seeding many other torrents, so all you can do is to be patient.
o Cap your maximum upload speed at something around 90% of your connection capacity. If you are seeding at top speed, your speeds (both download and upload) become unstable.
o Limit your maximum simultaneous connections. There are no fixed values for this, but try 60 or 100 and see if there is any gain.
* Why most of the time do my torrents get slower to download when they are almost finished?
Torrent download and upload speeds are based on the users connected to that specific torrent. When a torrent is recently uploaded and there are a lot of leechers, you will probably get high speeds in the beginning of your download, because many other users in the swarm have the pieces you are trying to download.
The closer you get to finishing the download, the harder it is to find users with the few missing pieces you need to download without counting the full seeders. At this point, your download speeds might drop but your upload speeds might be high, since other users have started downloading the torrent and want to download the same pieces you have now.
In short, be patient and don't ask for seeds in torrent comments. You will get what you want in time.
* Why am I getting errors in my client?
If something is not working as it should be in your torrent (e.g. it is red in your client queue), you need to check the "Tracker Status" field and see what it says to you.
If you get the error "Register at
http://www.blackcats-games.net and redownload this torrent", it means that you neither downloaded the torrent from Blackcats-Games site or that you are not a registered member. Either way, you will only be able to stop receiving that error by downloading the .torrent file from the site.
For other errors, there is a dictionary of Common BitTorrent Error Messages that will give you explanation on most of the errors you can get (you must be a member to view it).
* How do I get more download slots?
Additional download slots are awarded by promotion to higher class levels. Kitty Litter have 0. Users have 2. Power Users have 4. Super Power Users and those above them have 5 download slots. Finished torrents that are seeding don't take up a download slot.
* Why does the site/client say I downloaded more than the torrent original size?
Sometimes, your client needs to redownload a part of the torrent because:
o Your client receives bad data from a peer.
o Your files are getting corrupted by your computer. Most of the time it is either your hard disk drive (use scan disk to check your HDD integrity) or a faulty memory stick (use memtest86 to check your memory integrity).
Always remember that what the site says is what matters and if you downloaded more, you have to seed more.
* How do I bookmark a torrent to download it later?
If you want to download a torrent but not until later, and you don't want to forget it, the best thing to do is to bookmark it. There are currently two ways to bookmark a torrent:
o Go to the Browse page, look at the "BM" column, then click on and the torrent will become bookmarked.
o On the torrent details page, in the field called "Download" (right after the torrent file name), click on and the torrent will become bookmarked.
After that, you can always go back to see the torrents you have bookmarked so far by clicking on a link named "Bookmarks" in the site menu.
* What do I do with the torrents I downloaded from here?
First of all, seed them back. That is a very important step.
Once finished the download, you will notice some files with one of the follwing extensions: .rar .r01 .001. You need to unpack them with WinRAR, which is not freeware.
After unpacking the files, you may see image files, which are indentical copies of CD/DVD/BluRay media. Those files can have some of the following extensions:
o .bin and .cue are the standard image files for CDs. They are always together and the .cue file is always smaller. Use the .cue file to burn it into a CD.
o .iso is the most common image format and can be burned with almost all burning programs.
o .dvd and .iso are mostly used for XBOX360 images which need to have the layer-break set for the dual-layer DVD. Use the .dvd file to burn it into a DVD-DL.
o .nrg is the image file generated by Nero. It works the same way as the .iso image.
o .mds and .mdf are the images generated by Alcohol 120%. Use the .mds file to burn the media.
o .mds and .iso are images generated by ImgBurn.
For all those images, it is recommended to use ImgBurn as your burning software and good quality medias (such as Verbatim). There is also an option of mounting the image files in virtual drives. The best way to do that is by using DAEMON Tools (be careful when installing Daemon Tools as it tries to get you to install toolbars and other programs that you dont need).
Sometimes, you can also find two other types of files:
o .nfo is a text file with basic information about the torrent and some installation instructions, if necessary. Open it with any text file reader (e.g. NotePad).
o .sfv is a file wich stores checksum of the .rar files of a particular torrent. They are good to check integrity of .rar files once the download is finished. You may use programs like QuickSFV to check their integrity and in case you find a corrupted part, you can always redownload it.
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Seeding - All secrets about seeding revealed - Top
* I have just finished my download, what should I do now?
The easy and short answer is: seed. Always seed back your torrents because that is how sharing works: if you downloaded a torrent, it was because another member was there seeding it to you.
* My upload speed is too slow, why?
There are many reasons for your upload speed to be slow. Here you can find the main ones:
o Your upload speed (the one limited by your ISP) might be already in its limit. To be sure of your speed limits, run a test in SpeedTest.
o You might be unconnectable. For that, read What do "Conn." and "Unconn." mean? (you must be a member to view it).
o The torrent might already have a lot of seeders. Always keep an eye on the amount of seeders and leechers in the torrent you are seeding, because most of the time you get bad upload speeds due to lack of leechers. Hopefully, the torrent will become eligible for Seed Points, as you can read in the Seed Points FAQ (you must be a member to view it).
* I already have the files, how can I seed them?
First of all, you need to be sure if your files really match the ones on our tracker. The safest way to know this is by checking the Scene Release of that torrent you are trying to seed. Further information about The Scene can be found here.
Once you know the rar files in the tracker are the same files that you already have in your computer, all you have to do is download the .torrent file from here, open it in your client, point it to the folder where your downloaded files are and wait for a hash check. After that, you should start seeding the torrent.
Always remember that, since you didn't download that torrent from Blackcats-Games, the individual torrent ratio will be infinite (Inf.).
* Can I repack a game I burned into the original rar files?
No. It is nearly impossible to achieve the same CRC check in the rar files.
* Oh, no, I lost the files I was seeding, what can I do now?
Even if you lost the files you were seeding, either by accident or incautiousness, you need to seed them back.
Read Deleted Files Before Seeding? Read This and you will read some interesting suggestions (you must be a member to view it).
* What do "Conn." and "Unconn." mean?
That is a measurement of how easy it is to connect to you and the torrents you are currently running.
Read Understanding The Conn. / Unconn. Feature for more detailed information (you must be a member to view it).
* I received a message asking for reseed, what should I do?
That message you have just received is an automated one which is sent by the system whenever a user requests for reseed on a torrent with no seeders. If you still have the files, help seeding them, but if you don't have the files any longer, just ignore the message.